Sunday, January 01, 2006

Heartbeat #29: Where art thou my Jo

From thee I begot
Thy love and soul;

From thee I shared
thy passion of thy heart;

From thee I cherished
Thy wisdom of thy mind;

And From thee I offered
my life and spirit.

For whatever purpose
Of thy self to mine

I shall but honor Thy being

Year of the DOG!

Aaarf! arf! arf! arf! Here, dogie, dogie! Come here boy!
As we know it already, this coming year 2006 is dedicated to man's best friend, the ... Dog! What a mighty year it would surely be!

Dogs are nice and cuddly and kind and... romantic in some ways. But honestly speaking, i can't keep any dog inside the house. Outside, perhaps! Afterall, they are out with watchful eyes if any intruder comes breaking in, right? I hope this coming year would give us new beginnings and more aspirations to live a better, more meaningful and friutful life! With this thought please allow me to say a prayer:

May this coming year lead all of us

to rekindle our spirit with true LOVE

clear our minds with HAPPINESS

be bestowed with more WISDOM

and be given new HOPE;

May the good LORD grant us PEACE

in our hearts to share it with the rest of the family;

And may we i be renewed with HUMILITY